Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Sweet Louisa

Taking a ride on Mommy's shoulders.
Standing up on her own at ten months!
Monet wore this snowsuit ,too-tail and all!
Believe it or not we DO still grill once in a while!
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NOrthern Acres Christmas Things

The tree with a new doll that Santa brought.
The new Christmas angel Evan and I bought this year. The old family angel will be passed from
one Wiley kid to the next each Christmas.
A portion of our Christmas Snow Village.
Kids big and small love the village. We add to it every year. I wonder what will be new next year?
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New Year's Day Snow

The horses do not seem to mind the snow at all!!

Yep-it is STILL coming down!!
Yep-I am standing upright on the driveway!
Amazing that these little flakes can build up so high and fast.
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