Sunday, October 26, 2008

Early Halloween

We have had a Halloween Party ever year for quite a few years. Last year we were in Ireland over Halloween, so there was no party-but we had one this year to restart the tradition. There are five grandchildren now, so the elaborate costumes of past parties were not in evidence for the little ones' parents, but they were still creative and we all had a blast! We started the fun at a local place where the kids could trick or treat and see lots of zoo animals. Then we went home and partied some more. Cannot wait until next year! I do not have a Picture of Scott, Kate and Louisa being Puff , Magic Dragon-so Kate-send me one and maybe I can figure out how to post it!!

                                                          Flower Fairy and a Little Chick
Every Fairy needs a black hat!

That hat keeps showing up!

Trick or Treating is better with a Friend

Mother and Father Chicken and Little Chick!


Candy? I can have Candy?

Fairy Magic

Little Chick Flying!

Mad Hatter Tea Party with Goth Raggedy Ann!

Who IS this?

The Four Seasons!

Two characters from Willow

Bobbing for Marshmallows

Finally Success!!

A crazy Bunch, but we sure have fun! Happy Halloween Everyone!

What will these three be next Halloween? Word has it they are already planning their costumes!


Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Chores and Beauty

We spent time this past weekend cleaning out the apartment in anticipation of the Nowlans' visit this week. An accumulation of junk was finally hauled , in six trips, to the local dump. There was a charge for some of the items, but the euphoric mood that ensued was worth every penny.
There was lots of help, and silliness as the work progresses. Thank goodness it is done. Now we can  to look forward to cleaning out the garage,  attic and the craft room and the storage units... of what Evan calls OPS, or Other People's Stuff, (though I will admit some of this stuff is his and mine!

Evan with a load of smelly, old, musty mattresses at the dump. Thanks Ev!!!
Getting a little assistance form the nice man who runs the 'transfer station'. That is a strange label for the DUMP!!!  Well, upon further reflection, it is a good label, because people go there to transfer stuff!

Political Supporters can always be found at the dump during election season. It is a great place to meet and greet and talk sweet about their favorite candidates.

An old, tired desk on its way to the dump Swap Shop-it was probably snatched up within 30 minutes of being gently placed next to the giant furniture dumpster it will be tossed into if no one takes it!

The Barway in the back of the house-a bit of beauty to behold on a busy, busy day.

Kate, Louisa, Jill, Kevin Roxy and Rob all joined to help. I was so busy, I neglected to get shots of them, but they were all there and most supportive. We ended the day with a champagne toast in the clean kitchen. Thanks so much everyone!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Going Places and Meeting People

Lately we have been going to all sorts of places-sometimes together and sometimes with other people. It is fun to be active like this, and lots of times there is the  nice surprise of running into a friend or two unexpectedly.

                  Meeting birthday girl Auntie Jill with Kate for  breakfast at Penaera Bread . Kara and Baby Landon were there too. Louisa loves babies, and had a great time. The day before Kate and I ran in the same place  for a quick lunch with Louisa and ran into her high school friend Kelly-who had a baby boy in tow!

Mali and Evan at the Taste of Concord fundraising event. Mali was there representing the brewery she works for. The monies raised went to the Boys and Girls Clubs. Our entry fee entitled us to sample many varieties of beer, wine and foods from local restaurants. There was a cook off between local chefs, and live music. We ran into Peter and Pansy (old dear friends who used to live across the street )-Peter happens to be the president of the Boys and Girls club, and we saw an old college friend. I also ran into the former receptionist at our eye doctor's office.  Great fun-and we were full of great food and drink when we left.

The cook off-just like Food Network TV!!
One of the finished dishes-YUMMY!

Live music to eat and drink by-very nice.

Enjoying themselves!

Shoe shopping-a favorite of Louisa's activities!

"This one just does nothing for me!"

We ran into Paul, Michelle, and Maria shoe shopping-small world-again!

So, these few activities, along with the Harpoon Oktoberfest and the Light the Night Walk have kept us busy lately, outside of work and family. It is great to be able to do these things-and it is always fun to run into someone we know.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Farm Animals

The little barn here at Northern Acres has been home to all kinds of animals-everything from sheep to chinchillas to llamas to horses and donkeys and chickens. It is a welcoming place-like Kate has often said, the animals are always glad to see you.  So here are a few shots of the current residents, and one who decided to take a walkabout. He was easily persuaded to return to his stall with the hard to resist temptation of grain.

            Some lovely ewes enjoying the sunshine in the cool fall weather.
Enjoying a sunny dustbath in the Barn Spa!

A pretty egg laying Rhode Island Red

The handsome Silkie rooster in charge of the hens, who are all twice as big as he is!!

Cabbie and CeeCee enjoying a breakfast of sweet hay.

This sign says it all!

I guess the old girls read the sign! 

A wandering donkey

Still wandering!

The two legged critters, working on the fence to keep the barnyard group where they belong!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Evan and I went to an Oktoberfest  today, and met Heather, Doob, Monet, Teelin, Scott, Kate, Louisa, Jill, Kevin, Michelle, Pancho and Maria at the Harpoon Brewery Oktoberfest. Most of  us met at Doob and Heather's first. It was a bright, sunny day with more illumination from blazing foliage all around. There were lots of people, kids, dogs and German food and beer! There was soda and cider as well. It was fun being together and just relaxing.


                                                  PoPop with Louisa and Monet
Peaceful Teelin
Evan enjoying himself
Monet modeling the latest hat fashion
Kev with arms full of Louisa
Scott's 'tattoo'!
Visiting ladies
Sharing pictures with Auntie K-K