Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow Babies

The last few days have been busy with more snow and babies!   Saturday, Heather, Kate and I went to a baby shower for a dear friend of Kevin's whose wife is expecting twin boys in March. Kevin's sweet , giving wife (I am still not used to the fact that they are MARRIED!) put lots of work and love into the shower. Heather came for one night with Teelin and stayed two because of the snowstorm. She missed the other half of her family, but had a nice break while Doob and Monet kept the home fires burning and Sweetpea's dish full!

                                            A terrific Godmother with her two Godsons!
Lots of babies at the shower.
Wonderful family!
A Grandmother and a sweet, sweet Grandchild!
Perfect Twin Gift!
Louisa loves Teelin, and tries very tenderly to cater to his every need.
Cutie Pie!
Heather getting some much needed time to herself.
Teelin loves music-just like the rest of them!
Man these fingers taste good!
Louisa still has a bit of baby in her-so sweet.
And let us not forget the SNOW, SNOW and more SNOW!!
                                 So another weekend is over-filled with family, fun, babies and snow.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Remember the ICE STORM?

It has been a month or so since the ice storm.

The snow is piled deep around and on the house and barn and on the fields. One weather system after another finds its way to New Hampshire bringing all sorts of weather with it.  The weather reports give one pause and cause planning for the days ahead based on what kind, how much and when  any precipitation will fall  or be blown from steely winter clouds. 

The ice storm is still a fresh experience, and the animals who are a part of our lives need tending with or without electricity. Water is the most serious problem as it is a necessity that critters cannot do without, but it demands electricity for pumping and thawing. Here are some shots of what it takes to water a couple of horses, a fuzzy little donkey, a few wooly sheep, and a feathery flock of hens and chickens-as well a a snow white rooster - in the midst of a six day power outage!
                                                 Waiting for cool water!
My tools for smashing inches of water from the watering trough. A pointed shovel and a step ladder. What is not seen is muscle.

Ice ice baby!
Not so much ice ice baby!
Chicken water-frozen SOLID!
Ice chipping work in progress.
Grateful Rhode Island Reds sipping away.
The hens and a fluffy little rooster.
Sheep-of course-everyone knows a sheep when they see one!
Finally finished after about an hour of chipping, smashing,flinging(ice chunks), pouring, splashing, spilling and filling. Thank goodness for a generator that kept things thawed and pumped.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Quick Getaway!

Kevin and Jilliane became engaged at a beautiful resort in the White Mountains. They loved the place, and presented Ev and I with a gift certificate. We finally found the time to visit it, and had a great and restful time. We definitely will make a second visit because we left the certificate home!! Thanks for the gift Jill and Kev-we loved it!

                                                           The hotel from afar.
The entrance
Building has been redone.
Going home-it was COLD!
One game room-Evan beat me at this checker game.
Entering the pool area
Beautiful mural
Hot tub heaven...
Mural goes around the entire pool, and has lots of 'hidden' images.
Can you see the bird's nest?
Our room
Hallway lined with oil paintings-mainly landscapes
Painting filled the halls with  lovely ambiance.
We had a very restful time-there were only six other guests besides us in the hotel on the first night. We were the only guests in the dining room that evening. We got a private tour of the 9000 bottle wine cellar. We were joined by one other couple on the second night.
The food was delicious-we even had a slice of elk liver on pickled pears with a sweet onion relish-it sounds strange but was delightfully tasty served to us! We took pics of the dining experience with our cell phones-Great time.