Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Tradition

Sunset on the Mountain
Valentine's Day arrived with 16 of us at the Mount Washington Hotel-two more than last year with the addition of Elsy and Teelin. Jill and Kevin  were our newlyweds. That grand old building kept us warm and safe with breathtaking panoramas to view out every window, warm water to swim and soak in, long wide hallways to skip and run and saunter down, and fluffy beds to sleep on. The fireplaces, stained glass windows, creaky elevators,  live music and good food added to the overall magic. The time there always flies by.

Happy Family
Pretty Hansdome Family
Evan and Louise are lucky, lucky grandparents to these five Children.

Cute Elsy with Taryn
Elsy and Auntie "M"
Ready for Dinner
Ethan with Auntie "M"
Seth and Elsy
Back to the Room after a Swim
Waiting for the group to arrive in the room for dinner
Alone at last!
Heather and Teelin enjoying a splash or two
On the way to dinner with a Valentine lion
Family resemblance?
The picture of a sweetheart
Checking the "Look"
Babysitting godmother
Early backgammon instruction
On their was to a dog sled ride, and Uncle Kevin practising stroller technique
The lovely lobby
Wonderful Time-more pics to come!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Stuff and Big Birds

The toy chest we have for the grandkids just is not big enough. The little ones find it difficult to find a plaything from the jumbled mess that the toys always end up in. So we decided to get a cupboard with shelves and drawers to organize the toys. It is wonderful! We are looking forward to hiding a few surprises in the drawers for the kids!

                                               Louisa in front of the new toy cabinet.
Do any of you 20 or 30 somethings remember the Fisher Price Castle from your childhood? I dug it out of the attic, and it was an instant hit with the grandkids. Some of the pieces are either missing, or still hidden in the attic. Kate found the same castle with all the pieces on ebay, and we bought it! It will be played with plenty!

Fun Fun Fun

                                                Setting the little pieces in just the right place.

                                     Helping Nanna empty the printer's tray of tiny treasures.

                                    Here are a few of the turkeys that come for a snack daily. We have up to twenty- five at a time, and as few as three. It is still a jolt to see such BIG birds right outside the window!

Friday, February 06, 2009


Blogging is fun-a way to journal and communicate and peek at how others you care about are doing, with the option of commenting.. I like it, and enjoy blogging and reading blogs. I have to admit though, I have been distracted lately with Facebook. I guess that sight is considered Social Networking, and it has been interesting to be connected to people and swap messages. I have to admit that even though I have had a bit of success with Facebook, I am still confused by some of its abilities and applications. I am sure if I choose to continue with it, I will learn more.
There is something that does bother me about it, and that is the ease with which people can see details of other people's lives that they have posted on the sight because the become "friends". I guess I am old fashioned, but is seems like snooping to me-almost voyueristic. I admit I am as curious as the next person-I just have not come to any real conclusion as to what it all means.
So here I am, finally adding a new entry to this blog, with some pics.

Monet and I do a craft project when we are together. She loves her doorknob hanger!

Such a BOY!! All smiles!

                                                        A few felt animals Monet and I made for a felt board.

Louisa copying all the adults in her life-on the phone!

                                                               Future Musician?

                                                           Evan and Ethan enjoying Play Dough.

Elsy-big enough for a high chair!
Our grandchildren are an endless source of joy- how lucky we are!