Monday, July 20, 2009

The Last Month

Summer is a sweet time for flowers, fresh garden goodies, warm temperatures , baby birds and a host of other things. The time, so anticipated in the cold gray winter, slips by ever so quickly, and we have to grasp each lovely moment and love it.
Though this sumer has been cool and wet, it has provided its share of magic.
Right now I am on the island of Vinalhaven in Penoboscot Bay off the coast of Maine-Downeast. It is a rocky island with many lobster buoys sprinkled heavily over the every changing sea , and populated by the nicest year round residents. The other summer visitors are interesting-some friendly, and some down right snotty to the locals. Too bad-
Evan and I have our little boat, the Louise, with us and so love to rig her and head out for a 'toot' near the edge of these rocky islands. It is calm, peaceful and wonderful to watch the birdlife around the lobster boats, as well as the beautiful sailboats-and the ugly sailboats(yes some boats are ugly), and yachts. We are little, and bob along in the wakes of the bigger boats-happy to be out there in the view rather than just looking at the view from shore.
Family came-treasured moments-and our time is coming to a close. Again we are filled with the memory of sweet scented sea breezes, graceful sea birds, tides in and out, fog and fog horns and granchildrens' squeals of delight over periwinkles, sea glass, boat rides and freshly cooked lobsters.
I am feeling the results of of many hours on a boat, for as I type this, I feel the motion of the boat in the waves, even though I am on solid ground.
Pictures to come later. AH! HOw wonderful is the summer and a vacation of rest.