Saturday, July 19, 2008

Vinalhaven Pictures

One of the local bunny rabbits!!

Taking flight at the realization that he was not alone. These jack rabbits are all over the island. They come out in the foggy morning and the cool of the evening to graze on the sweet clover. The babies are cute and the adults are big and very, very quick.
Typical lobster boats in Carvers Harbor at Vinalhaven. These are big boats, pick up trucks of the ocean, that are used to set traps and haul traps, then transport the catch back to land to sell it. the Vinalhaven lobster is wonderful. We appreciate the hard work it takes to get a lobster from the bottom of the ocean to our dinner plates.
These are lobster bouys attached with line called warp to the lobster traps resting on the sea floor. They are painted in various colors and patterns, each one for a particular lobster man. There are thousands of them in the waters around Vinalhaven. It looks like an Indian maiden has beaded the sea surface with them. This picture was taken from the ferry as we returned from VH to Rockland-an hour and fifteen minute ride.
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