Saturday, September 20, 2008

Sailing on Silvery Silver Seas

The sea is an ever changing entity depending on weather conditions. Setting the scientific explanations aside for the moment, one can call these changes magic.  Light and shadow and water and waves weave a fantasy world of sparkles and glistenings and shimmerings and shines straight through to the horizon. If one is fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time for this magic, one finds oneself sailing on silvery, silver seas. How wonderful!

These shots were taken from Vinalhaven in the afternoon of September 19th after Ev and I closed up the boathouse. This vision appeared after a couple of hours of work. We thought it was a gift!


WildRose said...

Beautiful Shots mum, I miss VH I hope we can all be together up there next summer?? It is a good place to recharge our souls batteries! Hmm are those two different boats? ;)

LadyIrish said...

Yp, they are two different boats-good eye!

KJW said...

The sea looks magnificent! Well done Mom.