Saturday, September 13, 2008

September 7 Birthday

Well, little adorable Teelin made his grand entrance on September 7, which happens to be Aunt Nancy's Birthday and Evan's Birthday! We celebrated Evan's on the 6th of September with Kate, Scott, Louisa, Jill and Kevin. We also were celebrating it with Seth, Taryn, Ethan and Elsy when I received the call to come to Cornish because the baby was on his way. They had cake without me, and I do not think anyone took a picture.  Here are some shots of Evan the birthday boy at a celebration and enjoying a birthday present!

Birthday Feast at Wild Willy's Burgers-Right Meal-Wrong Utensil!!

The complete meal- (NO, Evan did not eat all of this!!)
Evan's birthday gift from me-a new dinghy that he has named 'One Ringy' - ( Did you get it? One Ringy Dingy?!?!) Anyway, in this shot he is reading the directions, trying to figure out how it works!
Well, he figured it out and took it for a ride!  Happy Birthday, Darling!


KJW said...

Nice dinghy! The name is a riot...

Those burgers weren't too shabby either!

Buoy Stretcher said...

One Ringy Dingy is GREAT, almost like "Dingy-Lingy" or "Ding-A-Ling".

What a great meal, such aswesome onion rings, french fries and burgers that were close to Behner style!!!