Sunday, October 05, 2008

Lite the Nite Walk

Evan and I joined Kevin and Jilliane and a great number of her family members and friends in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Lite the Nite walk fundraiser. It was held in York Beach and was great fun. The  route was about three miles long, beginning right across the street from York Beach Animal Farm, looping around by the Nubble Lighthouse and ending at Short Sands Beach. The weather was spectacular, the moon and stars come out during the walk, and the Nubble light was wonderful so see at night. I have only visited that lighthouse in the daylight hours.  Thanks for inviting us Jill and Rhonda!!!
                             Little Landon, one month old, probably the youngest participant.

Evan and Kevin using balloons to dodge a photo!

Getting ready with balloons that light up!

Jill coaching Roxy on appropriate behavior!!! Roxy appears bored, but she was not-she had a great time!

So we walked and talked and had a nice time. Looking forward to doing it again next year.


Anonymous said...

So glad you two joined us in the means A LOT!!!

WildRose said...

Looks like it was a nice night, and is that Mittens and sweaters I see???? :(((( Glad Roxy had fun! I hope to be able to join you next year maybe? I bet it was beautiful.

LadyIrish said...

Yup, there were mittens, hats, sweaters, light jackets and scarfs!-It was a crisp autumn night by the sea.

LJN said...

That looks like alot of fun, mebbe next year we can tag along and support the cause!

LadyIrish said...

Would love to have you!!

LadyIrish said...

Would love to have you!!