Sunday, November 30, 2008

Post Thanksgiving Fun

We had a great Thanksgiving-previously posted pictures are proof of that-but we had fun after the holiday, too. We are looking forward to the next month with prep for Christmas and pretty lights and decorations, and secrets and most of all smiles and wonder of the children in our lives, and of the inner child we all still possess!

                            Louisa LOVES Teelin! She cannot resist him when he is being held at her level.
Monet is quite adept with an iphone-amazing how she can turn it on and go from screen to screen in search of exactly what is interesting to her-including herself on Utube, and games. She can even take a good picture with it.   She is not allowed to use it often, but when she gets one in her grasp, she makes good use of her allowed time with it.
Dinah appears to be displeased with all the company commotion, but she is usually in the middle of it all.
Scott and Kate ready for a meal that does not include turkey OR leftovers!
The girls serenading us.
Carver (and COOK)
Perfect Hollandaise
Monet played nicely while Heather and Doobie ran around gathering belongings for the trip home to Cornish.
Little Teelin all snug and sleeping-he does not mind that the bouncy seat is pink!


WildRose said...

Great shots mum!! I love the one of Teelin and Louisa! Yes she loves both her cousins!! Totally in love with them!

HLN said...

Tee Tee is the cute name Louisa has given Teelin. She is a good helper when you give her a job when changing his diaper. She gets the clean diaper out of the bag and will even throw out the dirty one too!! You are training her well Kate!!!

Nancy's Blog said...

Great pictures of everyone,we are enjoy looking at them.I'm glad you all have a nice Thanksgiving,so did we. The cat picture is great,she looks a little mad.