Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Icy Storm Troubles

The ice strom knocked out our power last Thursday, December 11, 2008,  and it has not been restored as of this afternoon-Tuesday, December 16, 2008. We are on our 6th day. We have a generator. Kate and Scott are also still without power. They have a generator as well.

I have taken lots of pictures to blog, but cannot upload them from this work computer. We have no internet access at home either, as well as no lights, no water, no heat,no refrigeration,ect., etc., etc. The generator does give us some services temporarily, for some relief.

We have no Christmas tree, and the Christmas Village is still boxed. The outdoor ornaments are stacked in the garage, though there is a wreath on each of the two front doors. No Christmas cards have been prepared , and the few we have received are in a pile-not hung as usual. The battery operated window Christmas candles were given to help a few who did not have enough lilghting at night. But there is more to Christmas than a beautifully lit tree, gaily wrapped gifts, and colorful decorations. There is the spirit of caring and the spirit of sharing, which have been evidenced during all  this ordeal by many, many people, who help and accept help with a smile on their faces and a extended, warm hand.

When we are back to normal I will start to blog  regarding this experience.


Georgetown Gang said...

I can't even imagine not having any water nor heat for six days and running...I hope everything returns to normal real soon...I will keep everyone in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

All of you are in my prayers. You are right, Christmas is MUCH more than a tree and lights. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

WildRose said...

Mom you hit the nail on the head. Sure does show the true meaning of Christmas. We got through it (even though I truly do not trust the lights will stay on. I will continue to deliver food to those without power. Help bring a little joy to them??? Ho Ho Ho

LadyIrish said...

Kate-You are a strong, honest wonderful woman, and a giver. You teach me to be a better person through your actions.

Molly's Family said...

It's funny how a storm and a desparate situation bring life into full perspective! Us hurricane survivors know all to well the anxiety and gut wrenching fear assosiated with these times. I'm glad you're all ok! Those without power will appreciate hot coffee in the morning more than you know! Forget the cards, get some warm, cozy rest!