Thursday, December 25, 2008

More ice storm pics

The power outage is over for most of us, but there are some folks who had Christmas without the benefits of electricity, and we wish them the light very soon. Here are a few shots of our home in the dark and cold, and some of the helpers and visitors we had.
Evan reading in a bed lit by kerosene and headlamps and warmed by a fluffy down comforter.

             Louisa enjoying a snack in the cold , dimly lit kitchen. a cherub of a visitor.

Kate and stopping by for a chat.
Scott and Kate enjoying a hot ravioli supper.
Seth and Ethan arrive in the daylight to get the old generator for repair.
Sam and Annie delivering the wonderful generator to two weary people-Evan and I-in Burlington MA-THANK YOU AGAIN!!
A flash pic-notice the kerosene lamp and the winter coats on Kate and Louisa.
Scott, his helpful Dad and Evan getting the new generator going. It was FREEZING-notice the icicles hanging from the deck bottom.
The kitchen at night. Nt only was the light different it was very, very quiet without all the appliances running. The generator made lots of noise while running, though.
So we are arm and comfortable and grateful to the crews who put power back! I kow there is a picture of Ev in bed posted twice, but I cannot get rid of it!

1 comment:

Buoy Stretcher said...

Great pics documenting the 5 days we were without power here in Northwood!!! Thanks to everyone's generosity during this time of "reality check" that mother nature still reigns supreme!!!

Doob certainly outdid himself, finding a buddy with a 1000watt generator to get our furnace going as well as Kevin's. Then to Mark & Mary-Ann Farrell for lending their larger generator to get our septic tank pump and sump pump going during the 50deg melt day. Then to my buddy Ryan for scoring some extra plugs and wiring know-how. Of course my parents for being troopers hanging tough through a twisted early xmas celebration without power. Of course Evan & Louise for lamp oil, warm meals from their gas stove and fantastic moral support through this all. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!