Sunday, January 11, 2009

Remember the ICE STORM?

It has been a month or so since the ice storm.

The snow is piled deep around and on the house and barn and on the fields. One weather system after another finds its way to New Hampshire bringing all sorts of weather with it.  The weather reports give one pause and cause planning for the days ahead based on what kind, how much and when  any precipitation will fall  or be blown from steely winter clouds. 

The ice storm is still a fresh experience, and the animals who are a part of our lives need tending with or without electricity. Water is the most serious problem as it is a necessity that critters cannot do without, but it demands electricity for pumping and thawing. Here are some shots of what it takes to water a couple of horses, a fuzzy little donkey, a few wooly sheep, and a feathery flock of hens and chickens-as well a a snow white rooster - in the midst of a six day power outage!
                                                 Waiting for cool water!
My tools for smashing inches of water from the watering trough. A pointed shovel and a step ladder. What is not seen is muscle.

Ice ice baby!
Not so much ice ice baby!
Chicken water-frozen SOLID!
Ice chipping work in progress.
Grateful Rhode Island Reds sipping away.
The hens and a fluffy little rooster.
Sheep-of course-everyone knows a sheep when they see one!
Finally finished after about an hour of chipping, smashing,flinging(ice chunks), pouring, splashing, spilling and filling. Thank goodness for a generator that kept things thawed and pumped.


WildRose said...

WEll Champion Ice Chipper all WE can say is Thank YOU!! Cabby Jingles and I watched you chip the ICE or so good! We were so thirsty and you can to our rescue!! Thank you for taking care of us while our mama was taking care of her In Laws !!!

HLN said...

The self portrait is the best of all these photos!

Buoy Stretcher said...

Nanna in more ways than you could possibly have ever imagined!!! Thanks again for all your help to our furry friends.