Wednesday, August 06, 2008

More pictures!

Still trying to adapt to the Macbook blog system. It is fun, but frustrating at times. Today has been rainy-what a surprise! At least there have not been crashes of thunder and bolts of lightning Of course the silence has to be broken with something, and tonight it was the new neighbors across the street firing some kind of loud gun. I wonder what direction he or she is shooting the gun-there are houses in close proximity on three sides!! The neighbor to the north has a friend who flies a helicopter like it is a hot rod of the sky, zooming in closely over our house and fields as he approaches and leaves the neighbor's yard after hovering there for a while. It is particularly scary at night with the flashing lights accompanying the whirring of the rotors. I thought we lived in a quiet rural area!!
 A snowy day last winter. We should be glad all this rain is just rain!!
                       This is the cake Welch gave to Kevin with a surprise in celebration for his wedding. It was not just pretty, but tasted good too! I do not think his bride tasted any, but she shared in the gift certificate that accompanied the cake.

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