Saturday, August 09, 2008

Olympics and sunshine

We had  planned an evening of dinner, a good bottle of French red, and the Olympic opening ceremony, and it all happened-with a few surprises thrown in.
But before all that, the rain has to be the subject. There was lots of it-enough to flood the parking lot behind the building Welch Fluorocarbon (from now on referred to as WF)  is in ,causing everyone to move their cars to the  dry edge of the road. The building is obviously built on a swamp, some of which is left behind and in front of the structure. It is a wetland out back with frogs and water plants and  WATER. There are several strips of marsh on either side of the road in the front of the building, with cat o' nine tails growing and who knows what else in the water. A great blue heron landed in one of these mini-wet lands the other day to fish. He was a regal site, and upon being startled, morphed into a positively prehistoric winged creature and flew away, sans fish.
WF is  place we spend lots of time, so there will be photos of it time to time to add to the writings.

A grown daughter and her hubby hired a young neighbor to sit  with L while they took in the new Batman flick. L was sleeping peacefully for a while, but at 11:30 PM I got a call from the sitter that L was not so peaceful anymore and could I please assist. Of course, said I, who cannot resist toddler beauty, charm and need,  all wrapped up in grandmotherly love. So after throwing clothes on, I drove through the night to the rescue. L was delighted to see Nanna and her bag of tricks and stayed awake until 1:30 AM , when Mom and Dad arrived home! It was wonderful to help. As I drove back I was hoping to spy a nocturnal bruin on his or her way, but was instead treated to a lovely, fawn colored doe munching on the apples that gravity had deposited for her pleasure under the apple trees in the front yard. She and I nodded politely at each other, both going back to our business -me in to bed, and her to juicy, cool fruit munching. E was sweetly awaiting my return, and we turned off the light and slept.

The flooded , empty parking lot behind WF.
Looking from Unit 11 to Unit 12 at WF. We have a third unit as well. This is the second floor. Engineering and Manufacturing are on the first floor. 
                                            My office with a computer, and lots of toys that lots of folks play with. Off to the left is a window that opens to E's office, and comes in handy.


Buoy Stretcher said...

cool pictures, keep up the great work!!!

WildRose said...

Nanna.. see I had this all planned! I over heard you and
momma talking about them going out that night, I waited until they were deep into the movie, and decided to give the sitter a run for her money so you would come over and play with me!! Ah ha...It worked right along with my plan!!!!
Thanks Nanna!!!
I look forward to more late night stories!
Mamma and Dadda I heard there is a few more good movies out there!

Love Louisa Rose