Monday, August 18, 2008

Olympics Change

The Beijing Olympics have been thrilling in many ways-just like all the other Olympics I have watched in my life.  They have also been predictable .I was struck by the samenessof the competitions last night as I watched women runners trying to beat eachother and  the current standing records. records. The only thing that seemed different from all the other years I have watched, is the scantier pants and tops the runners wore. I thought about all the events I have witnessed in the last week or so, and realized that the different outfits kept my interest as much as the competitions themselves. So, I thought of a few more differences that would vary the Olympic viewing , and pique the interest of the millions of viewers trying to prop their sleepy eyes open until what they really wanted to watch was aired.

1. A three legged race! Now wouldn't that be fun? Men and women could be paired up so that we do not have to watch the men and then the women.
2. A sack race. Every contestant could wear a sack with their countries colors or logo on it!
3.A backwards race. We have watched people race going frontwards for hundreds of years. Pretty soon the records will be non existent because they have all been broken-so the racers should start going BACKWARDS!
4. Swimming in a curved or zig zagged pool-or even a pool with a maze for lanes!! This going back and forth and back and forth and back and forth does not leave much to the imagination.
5. Diving OUT of the pool by leaping from an underwater springboard. It is alway funny to watch videos of people splashing  in the water when it is run backwards-why not make an Olympic event out of it!
6.  Sychronized trampolining-on different trampolines, and if the jumpers are really talented, on the same one!
7. Eye patch diving where the divers have to wear a patch over one eye, giving them the challenge of no depth perception.
8. Using a real flesh and blood horse in the pommel horse event in gymnastics for men.
9.Trapeze! My hands always sweat watching trapeze artists in the circus! I think the Olympic fans deserve that kind of thrill!
10.Volleyball with two or three volleyballs in play at once-sort of like pinball in the sand!
11.Ping Pong with superballs! Talk about action!
12. Bathtub races -we have watched rowers with fancy boats and engineered oars-now let's seesomebody smoothly get a bathtub through the water to the finish line!!
13. Mule Basketball - Put some other athletes on the back of an equine, rather then just the eventers in their fancy costumes!! Donkeys are too small-mules would be perfect!
14. tug O' War-who knows, a great big country may actually beat a small country! The weight of the contestants needs to be equal on both sides of the rope.
15. Jello Wrestling! What a tasty treat to watch the wrestlers try to keep a hold on with slippery gelatin sliding all over their muscles and in between their fingers! The jello's color would bebased on the hosting country's national colors.
16. Bobbing for Apples -anybody who has tried this knows how difficult it can be
17.Hide and Go Seek- A great childhood game that, with the correct training,  and playing field and camera angles,could be really exciting
18. White water surfing- Rather than using a kayak, the athletes would surf the rapids, riding the white water to the end of the course -the uniform would include gaily decorated Hawaiian style suits and there would be Hawaiian music playing. Each athlete would get a lei at the completion of their run.
19. Towel Snapping-Those swimmers are always just drying themselves off with the towels. It would be great fun to see who could get themost snaps in to unsuspecting swimming budies as the Games proceed. Thi event would have no set time, but would rather continue all through the games with sneaky judges keeping score until the last swimming event is over-then present the three medal winners!
20. Dumbest Interview Answers -The athletes are always so polite to the answer the inane questions posed to them by reporters after a taxing swim, or run, or dive, or leap, or throw or game-Viewers might actually listen to some of the interviews if they anticipated creative, innovative, funny not relative answers!

There-a grand collection of possibly interesting Summer Olympic contest that take a turn away from the normal!

1 comment:

KJW said...

Hahaha! Well done... I was laughing right out loud at most of these.